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‖ Keep moving forward ‖ Zhongyuan Lvfeng 2024 Mid-Year Meeting Successfully


On August 3-4, 2024, Zhongyuan Lvfeng Company successfully held the 2024 mid-year meeting. The company's senior leaders, heads of various departments, and employee representatives attended the meeting to review and summarize the experience and shortcomings of the first half of the year, and look forward to and plan the work in the second half of the year.


Chairman Xue Shuibo leads the way and unites people

Chairman Xue Shuibo gave a speech to open the meeting. First, Mr. Xue gave the company's accomplishments in the first half of the year high recognition and thanked each and every worker for their dedication. He underlined that every employee's collaborative efforts and selfless commitment are essential to the company's consistent success in the face of a complicated and evolving market environment. In addition, Mr. Xue conducted a thorough examination of the economic trends affecting the sector, the possibilities and problems the firm has, and the path the company would take in the second half of the year.


Department heads report with highlights

Together, the chiefs of the various departments created a stunning performance picture for the team at the reporting session. They emphasized the close collaboration and coordinated operations among departments in addition to showcasing the outstanding accomplishments in their respective fields, such as the breadth and depth of market expansion, the leadership and technological innovation breakthroughs, the efficiency and improvement of project management, the tight control and optimization of product quality, etc. Zhongyuan Lvfeng's ability to work together well is the cornerstone that will allow it to advance consistently and reach new heights.


Summary and Outlook, Moving Forward in Pursuit of Dreams

Chen Guangsheng, the CEO in rotation, gave a closing remarks at the conference. Mr. Chen acknowledged the company's accomplishments throughout the first half of the year while also highlighting its current issues and shortfalls. Mr. Chen set forth specific objectives and guidelines for the work to be done in the second half of the year. These included forcing all staff members to always confront obstacles and challenges, dare to "show the sword" of the enterprise spirit, uphold the "customer-centric" service concept, and commit to their work with greater zeal and a more practical attitude.


Under the direction of Chairman Xue Shuibo, Zhongyuan Lvfeng Company will carry on preserving its basic principles of "sincerity and pragmatism, openness and tolerance, collaborative growth, continuous innovation, co-creation and sharing" and will collaborate with all staff members to begin a new chapter in the company's history. We are certain that Zhongyuan Lvfeng will produce more outstanding accomplishments in the future thanks to everyone's combined efforts!
